--TEST-- transaction --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test CASCADE"); $c->exec("SET client_min_messages TO NOTICE"); $c->exec("SET lc_messages TO 'C'"); $c->on(pq\Connection::EVENT_NOTICE, function($c, $notice) { echo "Got notice: $notice\n"; }); var_dump($c->transactionStatus == pq\Connection::TRANS_IDLE); $t = new pq\Transaction($c); var_dump($t->connection->transactionStatus == pq\Connection::TRANS_INTRANS); $c->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test"); $c->off(pq\Connection::EVENT_NOTICE); $c->exec("CREATE TABLE test (id serial, data text)"); $s = $c->prepare("test_insert", "INSERT INTO test (data) VALUES (\$1)", array((new pq\Types($c))["text"]->oid)); $s->exec(array("a")); $s->exec(array("b")); $s->exec(array("c")); $r = $c->exec("SELECT * FROM test"); while ($row = $r->fetchRow(pq\Result::FETCH_OBJECT)) { printf("%d => %s\n", $row->id, $row->data); } $t->rollback(); var_dump($c->transactionStatus == pq\Connection::TRANS_IDLE); ?> DONE --EXPECT-- Test bool(true) bool(true) Got notice: NOTICE: table "test" does not exist, skipping 1 => a 2 => b 3 => c bool(true) DONE