--TEST-- cancel --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- execAsync("SELECT pg_sleep(10)"); $x->cancel(); var_dump($c === $x->connection); var_dump($c->getResult()); printf("%s\n", $c->errorMessage); ?> DONE --EXPECTF-- Test bool(true) object(pq\Result)#%d (9) { ["status"]=> int(7) ["statusMessage"]=> string(11) "FATAL_ERROR" ["errorMessage"]=> string(47) "ERROR: canceling statement due to user request" ["diag"]=> array(17) { ["severity"]=> string(5) "ERROR" ["sqlstate"]=> string(5) "57014" ["message_primary"]=> string(39) "canceling statement due to user request" ["message_detail"]=> NULL ["message_hint"]=> NULL ["statement_position"]=> NULL ["internal_position"]=> NULL ["internal_query"]=> NULL ["context"]=> NULL ["schema_name"]=> NULL ["table_name"]=> NULL ["column_name"]=> NULL ["datatype_name"]=> NULL ["constraint_name"]=> NULL ["source_file"]=> string(10) "postgres.c" ["source_line"]=> string(4) "%d" ["source_function"]=> string(17) "ProcessInterrupts" } ["numRows"]=> int(0) ["numCols"]=> int(0) ["affectedRows"]=> int(0) ["fetchType"]=> int(0) ["autoConvert"]=> int(65535) } ERROR: canceling statement due to user request DONE