From: Michael Wallner Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 18:53:27 +0000 (+0000) Subject: * some basic docs X-Git-Tag: RELEASE_0_4_0~29 X-Git-Url:;a=commitdiff_plain;h=b53012a3ad1545ecbcb4579929a00c34f94e6933;hp=170a16080df939d8c57d8ab60694274cc11b8c34 * some basic docs --- diff --git a/docs/functions.html b/docs/functions.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..46a2028 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/functions.html @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ + +Function Summary + + +



string http_date([int timestamp])


This function returns a valid HTTP date regarding RFC 822/1123
+looking like: "Wed, 22 Dec 2004 11:34:47 GMT"


string http_absolute_uri(string url[, string proto])


This function returns an absolute URI constructed from url.
+If the url is already abolute but a different proto was supplied,
+only the proto part of the URI will be updated. If url has no
+path specified, the path of the current REQUEST_URI will be taken.
+The host will be taken either from the Host HTTP header of the client
+the SERVER_NAME or just localhost if prior are not available.

Some examples:

+url = "page.php" =>
+url = "/page.php" =>
+url = "/page.php", proto = "https" =>


string http_negotiate_language(array supported[, string default = 'en-US'])


This function negotiates the clients preferred language based on its
+Accept-Language HTTP header. It returns the negotiated language or
+the default language if none match.

The qualifier is recognized and languages without qualifier are rated highest.

The supported parameter is expected to be an array having
+the supported languages as array values.


= array(
'en-US',// default
'./langs/'. http_negotiate_language($langs) .'.php';




string http_negotiate_charset(array supported[, string default = 'iso-8859-1'])


This function negotiates the clients preferred charset based on its
+Accept-Charset HTTP header. It returns the negotiated charset or
+the default charset if none match.

The qualifier is recognized and charset without qualifier are rated highest.

The supported parameter is expected to be an array having
+the supported charsets as array values.


= array(
'iso-8859-1', // default
$pref = http_negotiate_charset($charsets);
if (!
strcmp($pref, 'iso-8859-1')) {
iconv_set_encoding('internal_encoding', 'iso-8859-1');
iconv_set_encoding('output_encoding', $pref);




bool http_send_status(int status)


Send HTTP status code.


bool http_send_last_modified([int timestamp])


This converts the given timestamp to a valid HTTP date and
+sends it as "Last-Modified" HTTP header. If timestamp is
+omitted, current time is sent.


bool http_match_modified([int timestamp])


Matches the given timestamp against the clients "If-Modified-Since" resp.
+"If-Unmodified-Since" HTTP headers.


bool http_match_etag(string etag)


This matches the given ETag against the clients
+"If-Match" resp. "If-None-Match" HTTP headers.


bool http_cache_last_modified([int timestamp_or_expires]])


If timestamp_or_exires is greater than 0, it is handled as timestamp
+and will be sent as date of last modification. If it is 0 or omitted,
+the current time will be sent as Last-Modified date. If it's negative,
+it is handled as expiration time in seconds, which means that if the
+requested last modification date is not between the calculated timespan,
+the Last-Modified header is updated and the actual body will be sent.


bool http_cache_etag([string etag])


This function attempts to cache the HTTP body based on an ETag,
+either supplied or generated through calculation of the MD5
+checksum of the output (uses output buffering).

If clients "If-None-Match" header matches the supplied/calculated
+ETag, the body is considered cached on the clients side and
+a "304 Not Modified" status code is issued.


void http_redirect([string url[, array params[, bool session,[ bool permanent]]]])


Redirect to a given url.
+The supplied url will be expanded with http_absolute_uri(), the params array will
+be treated with http_build_query() and the session identification will be appended
+if session is true.

Depending on permanent the redirection will be issued with a permanent
+("301 Moved Permanently") or a temporary ("302 Found") redirection
+status code.

To be RFC compliant, "Redirecting to URI." will be displayed,
+if the client doesn't redirect immediatly.


bool http_send_data(string data)


Sends raw data with support for (multiple) range requests.


bool http_send_file(string file)


Sends a file with support for (multiple) range requests.


bool http_send_stream(resource stream)


Sends an already opened stream with support for (multiple) range requests.


bool http_content_type([string content_type = 'application/x-octetstream'])


Sets the content type.


bool http_content_disposition(string filename[, bool inline = false])


Set the Content Disposition. The Content-Disposition header is very useful
+if the data actually sent came from a file or something similar, that should
+be "saved" by the client/user (i.e. by browsers "Save as..." popup window).


string http_chunked_decode(string encoded)


This function decodes a string that was HTTP-chunked encoded.
+Returns false on failure.


array http_split_response(string http_response)


This function splits an HTTP response into an array with headers and the
+content body. The returned array may look simliar to the following example:

+0 => array(
+'Status' => '200 Ok',
+'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',
+'Content-Language' => 'en-US'
+1 => "Hello World!"


array http_parse_headers(string header) */



string http_get(string url[, array options[, array &info]])


Performs an HTTP GET request on the supplied url.

The second parameter is expected to be an associative
+array where the following keys will be recognized:

+- redirect: int, whether and how many redirects to follow
+- unrestrictedauth: bool, whether to continue sending credentials on
+redirects to a different host
+- proxyhost: string, proxy host in "host[:port]" format
+- proxyport: int, use another proxy port as specified in proxyhost
+- proxyauth: string, proxy credentials in "user:pass" format
+- proxyauthtype: int, HTTP_AUTH_BASIC and/or HTTP_AUTH_NTLM
+- httpauth: string, http credentials in "user:pass" format
+- httpauthtype: int, HTTP_AUTH_BASIC, DIGEST and/or NTLM
+- compress: bool, whether to allow gzip/deflate content encoding
+(defaults to true)
+- port: int, use another port as specified in the url
+- referer: string, the referer to sends
+- useragent: string, the user agent to send
+(defaults to PECL::HTTP/version (PHP/version)))
+- headers: array, list of custom headers as associative array
+like array("header" => "value")
+- cookies: array, list of cookies as associative array
+like array("cookie" => "value")
+- cookiestore: string, path to a file where cookies are/will be stored

The optional third parameter will be filled with some additional information
+in form af an associative array, if supplied (don't forget to initialize it
+with NULL or array()).


string http_head(string url[, array options[, array &info]])


Performs an HTTP HEAD request on the suppied url.
+Returns the HTTP response as string.
+See http_get() for a full list of available options.


string http_post_data(string url, string data[, array options[, &info]])


Performs an HTTP POST request, posting data.
+Returns the HTTP response as string.
+See http_get() for a full list of available options.


string http_post_array(string url, array data[, array options[, array &info]])


Performs an HTTP POST request, posting www-form-urlencoded array data.
+Returns the HTTP response as string.
+See http_get() for a full list of available options.


bool http_auth_basic(string user, string pass[, string realm = "Restricted"])



if (!http_auth_basic('mike', 's3c|r3t')) {
'<h1>Authorization failed!</h1>');




bool http_auth_basic_cb(mixed callback[, string realm = "Restricted"])



function auth_cb($user, $pass)
$query = 'SELECT pass FROM users WHERE user='. $db->quoteSmart($user);
if (
strlen($realpass = $db->getOne($query)) {
$pass === $realpass;

if (!
http_auth_basic_cb('auth_cb')) {
'<h1>Authorization failed</h1>');




Generated at: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 19:51:45 +0100

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