--TEST-- client pipelining --SKIPIF-- --FILE-- configure(["pipelining" => true, "max_host_connections" => 0]); /* this is just to let curl know the server may be capable of pipelining */ $client->enqueue(new http\Client\Request("GET", "http://localhost:$port")); $client->send(); $client->enqueue(new http\Client\Request("GET", "http://localhost:$port/1")); $client->enqueue(new http\Client\Request("GET", "http://localhost:$port/2")); $client->enqueue(new http\Client\Request("GET", "http://localhost:$port/3")); $client->send(); while (($response = $client->getResponse())) { echo $response; } }); ?> ===DONE=== --EXPECT-- Test HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Req: /3 Etag: "" X-Original-Transfer-Encoding: chunked HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Req: /2 Etag: "" X-Original-Transfer-Encoding: chunked HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Req: /1 Etag: "" X-Original-Transfer-Encoding: chunked HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-Req: / Etag: "" X-Original-Transfer-Encoding: chunked ===DONE===