#!/usr/bin/env php isInterface()) { $m ^= ReflectionMethod::IS_ABSTRACT; } foreach (Reflection::getModifierNames($m) as $mn) { $n .= $mn . " "; } return $n; } function t($p) { if ($c = $p->getClass()) return "\\" . $c->getName() . " "; if ($p->isArray()) return "array "; } function c($n, $c) { $_=$c; while ($c = $c->getParentClass()) { if (array_key_exists($n, $c->getConstants())) { return false; } } $c=$_; foreach ((array) $c->getInterfaces() as $i) { if (array_key_exists($n, $i->getConstants()) || !c($n, $i)) { return false; } } return true; } ob_start(function($s) { // redirect any output to stderr fwrite(STDERR, $s); return true; }); $out = STDOUT; switch ($argc) { default: case 3: $out = fopen($argv[2], "w") or die; case 2: $ext = $argv[1]; break; case 1: die(sprintf($out, "Usage: %s \n", $argv[0])); } fprintf($out, "getConstants() as $constant => $value) { $ns = ($nsend = strrpos($constant, "\\")) ? substr($constant, 0, $nsend++) : ""; $cn = substr($constant, $nsend); $constants[$ns][$cn] = $value; } foreach ($ext->getFunctions() as $f) { /* @var $f ReflectionFunction */ $ns = $f->inNamespace() ? $f->getNamespaceName() : ""; $functions[$ns][$f->getShortName()] = $f; } foreach ($ext->getClasses() as $c) { /* @var $c ReflectionClass */ $ns = $c->inNamespace() ? $c->getNamespaceName() : ""; $structures[$ns][$c->getShortName()] = $c; } $namespaces = array_unique(array_merge( array_keys($constants), array_keys($functions), array_keys($structures) )); // simple sort natsort($namespaces); foreach ($namespaces as $ns) { fprintf($out, "namespace %s%s\n{\n", $ns, strlen($ns) ? " " : ""); // if (isset($constants[$ns])) { ksort($constants[$ns], SORT_NATURAL); foreach ($constants[$ns] as $cn => $value) { fprintf($out, "\tconst %s = %s;\n", $cn, var_export($value, true)); } } // if (isset($functions[$ns])) { ksort($functions[$ns], SORT_NATURAL); foreach ($functions[$ns] as $fn => $f) { /* @var $f ReflectionFunction */ fprintf($out, "\n\tfunction %s(", $fn); $ps = array(); foreach ($f->getParameters() as $p) { $p1 = sprintf("%s%s\$%s", t($p), $p->isPassedByReference()?"&":"", trim($p->getName(), "\"")); if ($p->isOptional()) { if ($p->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $p1 .= sprintf(" = %s", var_export($p->getDefaultValue(), true)); } elseif (!($p->isArray() || $p->getClass()) || $p->allowsNull()) { $p1 .= " = NULL"; } elseif ($p->isArray()) { $p1 .= " = array()"; } } $ps[] = $p1; } fprintf($out, "%s) {\n\t}\n", implode(", ", $ps)); } } // if (isset($structures[$ns])) { uasort($structures[$ns], function ($a, $b) { /* @var $a ReflectionClass */ /* @var $b ReflectionClass */ $score = array_sum([ -!$a->isInterface()+ -!$a->isAbstract()+ -!$a->isTrait()+ -!substr_compare($a->getShortName(), "Exception", -strlen("Exception")), +!$b->isInterface()+ +!$b->isAbstract()+ +!$b->isTrait()+ -!substr_compare($b->getShortName(), "Exception", -strlen("Exception")), ]); if ($score) { return -$score; } return strnatcmp($a->getShortName(), $b->getShortName()); }); foreach ($structures[$ns] as $cn => $c) { fprintf($out, "\n\t%s%s %s ", m($c->getModifiers()), $c->isInterface() ? "interface":"class", $c->getShortName()); if ($p = $c->getParentClass()) { fprintf($out, "extends \\%s ", $p->getName()); } if ($i = $c->getInterfaceNames()) { fprintf($out, "implements \\%s ", implode(", \\", array_filter($i, function($v) { return $v != "Traversable"; })) ); } fprintf($out, "\n\t{\n"); $_=0; foreach ($c->getConstants() as $n => $v) { c($n, $c) and $_+=fprintf($out, "\t\tconst %s = %s;\n", $n, var_export($v, true)); } $_ and fprintf($out, "\n"); $_=0; foreach ($c->getProperties() as $p) { if ($p->getDeclaringClass()->getName() == $c->getName()) { $_+=fprintf($out, "\t\t%s\$%s;\n", m($p->getModifiers()), $p->getName()); } } $_ and fprintf($out, "\n"); foreach ($c->getMethods() as $m) { if ($m->getDeclaringClass()->getName() == $c->getName()) { fprintf($out, "\t\t%sfunction %s(", m($m->getModifiers(), $c), $m->getName()); $ps = array(); foreach ($m->getParameters() as $p) { $p1 = sprintf("%s%s\$%s", t($p), $p->isPassedByReference()?"&":"", $p->getName()); if ($p->isOptional()) { if ($p->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $p1 .= sprintf(" = %s", var_export($p->getDefaultValue(), true)); } elseif (!($p->isArray() || $p->getClass()) || $p->allowsNull()) { $p1 .= sprintf(" = NULL"); } elseif ($p->isArray()) { $p1 .= " = array()"; } } $ps[] = $p1; } fprintf($out, "%s)", implode(", ", $ps)); if ($m->isAbstract()) { fprintf($out, ";\n\n"); } else { fprintf($out, " {\n\t\t}\n\n"); } } } fprintf($out, "\t}\n"); } } // fprintf($out, "}\n\n"); }