fix #91: get rid of most of the yearly failing test
[m6w6/ext-http] / tests / envresponsebody002.phpt
1 --TEST--
2 env response body error
3 --SKIPIF--
4 <?php
5 include "";
6 ?>
7 --INI--
8 output_buffering=1
9 --FILE--
10 <?php
11 echo "Test\n";
12 ob_flush();
13 try {
14 $r = new http\Env\Response;
15 var_dump((string) $r->getBody());
16 } catch (http\Exception $e) {
17 echo $e->getMessage(),"\n";
18 }
19 ?>
20 Done
21 --EXPECTF--
22 Test
23 http\Env\Response::__construct(): Could not fetch response body, output has already been sent at %senvresponsebody002.php:3
24 Done