remove rinit and json dep in favor of pecl/json_post and pecl/apfd
[m6w6/ext-http] / tests / envrequestjson002.phpt
1 --TEST--
2 env request json
3 --SKIPIF--
4 <?php
5 include "";
6 _ext("json");
7 ?>
8 --PUT--
9 Content-Type: application/json
11 {"foo": "bar", "a": [1,2,3]}
12 --FILE--
13 <?php
14 echo "Test\n";
15 print_r($_POST);
16 ?>
17 Done
18 --EXPECT--
19 Test
20 Array
21 (
22 [foo] => bar
23 [a] => Array
24 (
25 [0] => 1
26 [1] => 2
27 [2] => 3
28 )
30 )
31 Done