remove rinit and json dep in favor of pecl/json_post and pecl/apfd
[m6w6/ext-http] / tests / clientresponse001.phpt
1 --TEST--
2 client response cookie
3 --SKIPIF--
4 <?php
5 include "";
6 skip_online_test();
7 skip_client_test();
8 ?>
9 --FILE--
10 <?php
11 echo "Test\n";
13 $request = new http\Client\Request("GET", "");
15 foreach (http\Client::getAvailableDrivers() as $driver) {
16 $client = new http\Client($driver);
17 foreach($client->enqueue($request)->send()->getResponse()->getCookies(0, array("comment")) as $cookies) {
18 var_dump($cookies->toArray());
19 }
20 }
21 ?>
22 Done
24 Test
25 (?:array\(7\) \{\n \["cookies"\]\=\>\n array\(2\) \{\n \["foo"\]\=\>\n string\(3\) "bar"\n \["bar"\]\=\>\n string\(3\) "foo"\n \}\n \["extras"\]\=\>\n array\(0\) \{\n \}\n \["flags"\]\=\>\n int\(0\)\n \["expires"\]\=\>\n int\(\-1\)\n \["max\-age"\]\=\>\n int\(\-1\)\n \["path"\]\=\>\n string\(0\) ""\n \["domain"\]\=\>\n string\(0\) ""\n\}\n)+Done