fix dangling else swallowing the return statement with clang
[m6w6/ext-http] / .travis.yml
1 # autogenerated file; do not edit
2 language: c
3 sudo: required
4 dist: trusty
6 addons:
7 apt:
8 packages:
9 - php5-cli
10 - php-pear
11 - libcurl4-openssl-dev
12 - libidn11-dev
13 - libidn2-0-dev
14 - libicu-dev
15 - libevent-dev
17 compiler:
18 - gcc
19 - clang
21 env:
22 - PHP=7.0 enable_debug=yes enable_maintainer_zts=yes enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli
23 - PHP=7.1 enable_debug=yes enable_maintainer_zts=yes enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli
24 - PHP=master enable_debug=yes enable_maintainer_zts=yes enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli
25 - PHP=7.2 with_http_libicu_dir=no with_http_libidn_dir=no with_http_libidn2_dir=no with_http_libcurl_dir=no with_http_libevent_dir=no
26 - PHP=7.2 enable_debug=no enable_maintainer_zts=no enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli
27 - PHP=7.2 enable_debug=yes enable_maintainer_zts=no enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli
28 - PHP=7.2 enable_debug=no enable_maintainer_zts=yes enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli
29 - PHP=7.2 enable_debug=yes enable_maintainer_zts=yes enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli
30 - CFLAGS='-O0 -g --coverage' CXXFLAGS='-O0 -g --coverage' PHP=7.2 enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli with_http_libicu_dir=yes with_http_libidn_dir=no with_http_libidn2_dir=no
31 - CFLAGS='-O0 -g --coverage' CXXFLAGS='-O0 -g --coverage' PHP=7.2 enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli with_http_libidn_dir=yes with_http_libicu_dir=no with_http_libidn2_dir=no
32 - CFLAGS='-O0 -g --coverage' CXXFLAGS='-O0 -g --coverage' PHP=7.2 enable_json=yes enable_hash=yes enable_iconv=yes with_http_libbrotli_dir=/home/travis/brotli with_http_libidn2_dir=yes with_http_libicu_dir=no with_http_libidn_dir=no
34 before_script:
35 - ./travis/
36 - make -f travis/pecl/Makefile php
37 - make -f travis/pecl/Makefile pecl PECL=ext-raphf.git:raphf:master
38 - make -f travis/pecl/Makefile pecl PECL=ext-propro.git:propro:master
39 - make -f travis/pecl/Makefile ext PECL=http
41 script:
42 - make -f travis/pecl/Makefile test
43 - make -f travis/pecl/Makefile cppcheck CPPCHECK_EXITCODE=0
45 after_failure:
46 - test -e tests/helper/server.log && cat tests/helper/server.log
47 after_success:
48 - test -n "$CFLAGS" && cd src/.libs && bash <(curl -s -X xcode -X coveragepy
50 notifications:
51 webhooks:
52 urls:
53 -
54 on_success: change
55 on_failure: always
56 on_start: never