* $testable->assert() * ->that("name")->isLen(3, 40, "must be between 3 and 40 characters long") * ->that("email")->isEmail("is not valid"); * */ class Assert { /** * Testable properties * @var array */ private $properties; /** * The name of the currently inspected property * @var string */ private $inspectedProperty; /** * Whether the argument to when() was true * @var bool */ private $inspectCondition = true; /** * Whether assertions cause exceptions of this type * @var string */ private $exceptionClass; /** * Failed assertions * @var array */ private $validationErrors = array(); /** * Succeeded assertions * @var array */ private $validationResults = array(); /** * @param \ascertain\Testable $testable * @param string $exceptionClass */ function __construct(Testable $testable, $exceptionClass = null) { $this->properties = $testable->export(); $this->exceptionClass = $exceptionClass; } /** * @return int count of failed assertions */ function hasErrors() { return count($this->validationErrors); } /** * @return array of failed assertions */ function getErrors() { return $this->validationErrors; } /** * Reset assertions failures/results * @return \ascertain\Assert */ function resetErrors() { $this->validationResults = array(); $this->validationErrors = array(); return $this; } /** * Set the currently inspected property * @param string $property * @return \ascertain\Assert */ function that($property) { $this->inspectCondition = true; $this->inspectedProperty = $property; return $this; } /** * The following assertions are only tested if the argument is true * @param bool $condition * @return \ascertain\Assert */ function when($condition) { $this->inspectCondition = $condition; return $this; } /** * !strcmp($v, $c) * @param mixed &$r * @param string $v * @param string $c * @return bool */ function test(&$r, $v, $c) { $r = !strcmp($v, $c); return $r; } /** * !strlen($v) * @param mixed &$r * @param string $v * @return bool */ function testNothing(&$r, $v) { $r = !strlen($v); return $r; } /** * is_numeric($v) * @param mixed &$r * @param string $v * @return bool */ function testNumeric(&$r, $v) { $r = is_numeric($v); return $r; } /** * Test whether the argument is scalar * @param mixed &$r * @param mixed $v * @param bool $strictNulls * @return bool */ function testScalar(&$r, $v, $strictNulls = false) { $r = is_scalar($v) && (!$strictNulls || !isset($v)); return $r; } /** * Test wheter the argument constists only of printable characters * @param mixed &$r * @param string $v * @return bool */ function testPrintable(&$r, $v) { return preg_match("/^[[:print:]\\P{Cc}]*\$/u", $v, $r) > 0; } /** * Test wheter the string length is between a certain range * @param mixed &$r * @param string $v * @param int $min * @param int $max * @return bool */ function testLen(&$r, $v, $min, $max = PHP_INT_MAX) { return $this->testRange($r, function_exists("mb_strlen") ? mb_strlen($v) : strlen($v), $min, $max); } /** * Test wheter a value is between a certain range * @param mixed &$r * @param mixed $v * @param mixed $min * @param mixed $max * @return bool */ function testRange(&$r, $v, $min, $max) { $r = (($v >= $min) && ($v <= $max)); return $r; } /** * Test for a valid integer with FILTER_VALIDATE_INT * @param mixed &$r * @param mixed $v * @param array $options * @return bool */ function testInteger(&$r, $v, array $options = null) { $r = filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $options); return $r !== false; } /** * Test for a valid boolean with FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN * @param mixed &$r * @param type $v * @param array $options * @return type */ function testBoolean(&$r, $v, array $options = null) { $options["flags"] = isset($options["flags"]) ? $options["flags"]|FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE : FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE; $r = filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN, $options); return isset($r); } /** * Test for a valid float with FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT * @param mixed &$r * @param mixed $v * @param array $options * @return bool */ function testFloat(&$r, $v, array $options = null) { $r = filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT, $options); return $r !== false; } /** * Test for a valid URL with FILTER_VALIDATE_URL * @param mixed &$r * @param string $v * @param array $options * @return bool */ function testUrl(&$r, $v, array $options = null) { $r = filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL, $options); return $r !== false; } /** * Test for a valid email address with FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL * @param mixed &$r * @param string $v * @param array $options * @return bool */ function testEmail(&$r, $v, array $options = null) { $r = filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, $options); return $r !== false; } /** * Test for a valid IP address with FILTER_VALIDATE_IP * @param mixed &$r * @param string $v * @param array $options * @return bool */ function testIp(&$r, $v, array $options = null) { $r = filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, $options); return $r !== false; } /** * Test whether a string contains another string or an array contains a key * @param mixed &$r * @param mixed $v haystack * @param string $n needle * @param bool $cs case-sensitive * @return bool */ function testContaining(&$r, $v, $n, $cs = true) { if (is_array($v)) { if (!$cs) { $v = array_change_key_case($v); $n = strtolower($n); } if (array_key_exists($n, $v)) { $r = $v[$n]; return true; } return $r = false; } else { if ($cs) { $r = strstr($v, (string) $n); } else { $r = stristr($v, (string) $n); } return $r !== false; } } /** * Thest * @param mixed &$r * @param mixed $v * @param array $a * @param bool $strict * @return bool */ function testAny(&$r, $v, $a, $strict = false) { return $r = in_array($v, $a, $strict); } /** * Thest if a regular expression matches * @param mixed &$r * @param string $v * @param stirng $regex * @param int $flags * @return bool */ function testMatching(&$r, $v, $regex, $flags = 0) { return preg_match($regex, $v, $r, $flags) > 0; } /** * Semantic is(Not) wrapper to the assertions * @param string $method * @param array $args * @return \ascertain\Assert * @throws InvalidArgumentException (or rahter the configured exception) */ function __call($method, $args) { $match = null; if ($this->inspectCondition && preg_match("/^is(Not(?!hing))?(.*)\$/i", $method, $match)) { list(, $not, $test) = $match; $result = null; $error = array_pop($args); array_unshift($args, $this->properties[$this->inspectedProperty]); array_unshift($args, null); $args[0] = &$result; $valid = call_user_func_array(array($this, "test$test"), $args); if ($valid === !!$not) { $this->validationErrors[$this->inspectedProperty][] = $error; if (($exception = $this->exceptionClass)) { throw new $exception("$this->inspectedProperty $error"); } } $this->validationResults[$this->inspectedProperty][] = $args[0]; } return $this; } }