args = new CliArgs([ ["h", "help", "Display this help", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG|CliArgs::HALT], ["v", "verbose", "More output", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG], ["q", "quiet", "Less output", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG], ["n", "name", "Extension name", CliArgs::REQUIRED|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::REQARG], ["r", "release", "Extension release version", CliArgs::REQUIRED|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::REQARG], ["s", "source", "Extension source directory", CliArgs::REQUIRED|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::REQARG], ["g", "git", "Use `git ls-tree` to determine file list", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG], ["p", "pecl", "Use PECL package.xml to determine file list, name and release", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG], ["d", "dest", "Destination directory", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::REQARG, "."], ["z", "gzip", "Create additional PHAR compressed with gzip", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG], ["Z", "bzip", "Create additional PHAR compressed with bzip", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG], ["S", "sign", "Sign the PHAR with a private key", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::REQARG], ["E", "zend", "Mark as Zend Extension", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliARgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG], [null, "signature", "Show pharext signature", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG|CliArgs::HALT], [null, "license", "Show pharext license", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG|CliArgs::HALT], [null, "version", "Show pharext version", CliArgs::OPTIONAL|CliArgs::SINGLE|CliArgs::NOARG|CliArgs::HALT], ]); } /** * Perform cleaniup */ function __destruct() { foreach ($this->cleanup as $cleanup) { if (is_dir($cleanup)) { $this->rm($cleanup); } elseif (file_exists($cleanup)) { unlink($cleanup); } } } /** * @inheritdoc * @see \pharext\Command::run() */ public function run($argc, array $argv) { $errs = []; $prog = array_shift($argv); foreach ($this->args->parse(--$argc, $argv) as $error) { $errs[] = $error; } if ($this->args["help"]) { $this->header(); $this->help($prog); exit; } try { foreach (["signature", "license", "version"] as $opt) { if ($this->args[$opt]) { printf("%s\n", $this->metadata($opt)); exit; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage()); exit(self::EARGS); } try { /* source needs to be evaluated before CliArgs validation, * so e.g. name and version can be overriden and CliArgs * does not complain about missing arguments */ if ($this->args["source"]) { $source = $this->localize($this->args["source"]); if ($this->args["pecl"]) { $this->source = new SourceDir\Pecl($this, $source); } elseif ($this->args["git"]) { $this->source = new SourceDir\Git($this, $source); } else { $this->source = new SourceDir\Pharext($this, $source); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $errs[] = $e->getMessage(); } foreach ($this->args->validate() as $error) { $errs[] = $error; } if ($errs) { if (!$this->args["quiet"]) { $this->header(); } foreach ($errs as $err) { $this->error("%s\n", $err); } printf("\n"); if (!$this->args["quiet"]) { $this->help($prog); } exit(self::EARGS); } $this->createPackage(); } /** * Download remote source * @param string $source * @return string local source */ private function download($source) { $this->info("Fetching remote source %s ...\n", $source); if ($this->args->git) { $task = new Task\GitClone($source); } else { $task = new Task\StreamFetch($source, function($bytes_pct) { $this->debug(" %3d%% [%s>%s] \r", floor($bytes_pct*100), str_repeat("=", round(50*$bytes_pct)), str_repeat(" ", round(50*(1-$bytes_pct))) ); }); } $local = $task->run($this->args->verbose); $this->debug("\n"); $this->cleanup[] = $local; return $local; } /** * Extract local archive * @param stirng $source * @return string extracted directory */ private function extract($source) { $this->debug("Extracting %s ...\n", $source); $task = new Task\Extract($source); $dest = $task->run($this->args->verbose); $this->cleanup[] = $dest; return $dest; } /** * Localize a possibly remote source * @param string $source * @return string local source directory */ private function localize($source) { if (!stream_is_local($source)) { $source = $this->download($source); $this->cleanup[] = $source; } $source = realpath($source); if (!is_dir($source)) { $source = $this->extract($source); $this->cleanup[] = $source; if ($this->args->pecl) { $this->debug("Sanitizing PECL dir ...\n"); $source = (new Task\PeclFixup($source))->run($this->args->verbose); } } return $source; } /** * Creates the extension phar */ private function createPackage() { try { $meta = array_merge($this->metadata(), [ "date" => date("Y-m-d"), "name" => $this->args->name, "release" => $this->args->release, "license" => @file_get_contents(current(glob($this->source->getBaseDir()."/LICENSE*"))), "stub" => "pharext_installer.php", "type" => $this->args->zend ? "zend_extension" : "extension", ]); $file = (new Task\PharBuild($this->source, $meta))->run(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage()); exit(self::EBUILD); } try { if ($this->args->sign) { $this->info("Using private key to sign phar ...\n"); $pass = (new Task\Askpass)->run($this->args->verbose); $sign = new Task\PharSign($file, $this->args->sign, $pass); $pkey = $sign->run($this->args->verbose); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage()); exit(self::ESIGN); } if ($this->args->gzip) { try { $gzip = (new Task\PharCompress($file, Phar::GZ))->run(); $move = new Task\PharRename($gzip, $this->args->dest, $this->args->name ."-". $this->args->release); $name = $move->run($this->args->verbose); $this->info("Created gzipped phar %s\n", $name); if ($this->args->sign) { $sign = new Task\PharSign($name, $this->args->sign, $pass); $sign->run($this->args->verbose)->exportPublicKey($name.".pubkey"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->warn("%s\n", $e->getMessage()); } } if ($this->args->bzip) { try { $bzip = (new Task\PharCompress($file, Phar::BZ2))->run(); $move = new Task\PharRename($bzip, $this->args->dest, $this->args->name ."-". $this->args->release); $name = $move->run($this->args->verbose); $this->info("Created bzipped phar %s\n", $name); if ($this->args->sign) { $sign = new Task\PharSign($name, $this->args->sign, $pass); $sign->run($this->args->verbose)->exportPublicKey($name.".pubkey"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->warn("%s\n", $e->getMessage()); } } try { $move = new Task\PharRename($file, $this->args->dest, $this->args->name ."-". $this->args->release); $name = $move->run($this->args->verbose); $this->info("Created executable phar %s\n", $name); if (isset($pkey)) { $pkey->exportPublicKey($name.".pubkey"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->error("%s\n", $e->getMessage()); exit(self::EBUILD); } } }