md) { $this->md = new GithubFlavoredMarkdownConverter([ "slug_normalizer" => [ "instance" => new class($this) implements Normalizer\TextNormalizerInterface { protected $formatter; function __construct(Formatter $fmt) { $this->formatter = $fmt; } function normalize(string $text, $context = null) : string { return $this->formatter->formatSlug($text); } } ], ]); $this->md->getEnvironment()->addExtension( new Extension\DescriptionList\DescriptionListExtension ); $this->md->getEnvironment()->addExtension( new Extension\Attributes\AttributesExtension ); } if (!$this->wrapper) { $this->wrapper = new Wrapper($this); } } public function formatString(string $string) : string { return $this->md->convertToHtml($string); } public function formatFile(string $file) : string { $string = file_get_contents($file); if ($string === false) { throw Exception::fromLastError(); } return $this->md->convertToHtml($string); } /** * Format a simplified url slug * @param string $string input text, like a heading * @return string the simplified slug */ public function formatSlug(string $string) : string { return preg_replace("/[^\$[:alnum:]:._-]+/", ".", $string); } /** * @param string $page HTML content * @param object $pld Action payload * @return string marked up HTML content */ public function markup(string $page, $pld) : string { $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8"); $dom->formatOutput = true; $dom->loadHTML("\n \n" . $page, LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED); foreach ($dom->childNodes as $node) { $this->walk($node, $pld); } $html = ""; foreach ($dom->childNodes as $child) { $html .= $dom->saveHTML($child); } return $html; } public function createPermaLink(DOMElement $node, string $slug, $pld) { if (strlen($slug)) { $node->setAttribute("id", $slug); } $perm = $node->ownerDocument->createElement("a"); $perm->setAttribute("class", "permalink"); $perm->setAttribute("href", "$pld->ref#$slug"); $perm->textContent = "#"; return $perm; } protected function walk(DOMNode $node, $pld) { switch ($node->nodeType) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: $this->walkElement($node, $pld); break; case XML_TEXT_NODE: $this->wrapper->wrap($node, $pld); break; default: break; } } protected function highlightCode(DOMElement $node) { foreach (["default", "comment", "html", "keyword", "string"] as $type) { ini_set("highlight.$type", "inherit\" class=\"$type"); } $code = highlight_string($node->textContent, true); $temp = new DOMDocument("1.0", "utf-8"); $temp->loadHTML($code, LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD); return $node->ownerDocument->importNode($temp->firstChild, true); } protected function walkElement(DOMElement $node, $pld) { switch ($node->tagName) { case "h1": $perm = $this->createPermaLink($node, "", $pld); $node->insertBefore($perm, $node->firstChild); $pld->currentSection = null; break; case "h2": $pld->currentSection = $this->formatSlug($node->textContent); case "h3": case "h4": case "h5": case "h6": $slug = $this->formatSlug($node->textContent); $perm = $this->createPermaLink($node, $slug, $pld); $node->appendChild($perm); break; case "span": if (!empty($pld->currentSection) && $node->hasAttribute("class")) { switch ($pld->currentSection) { case "Properties:": case "Constants:": switch ($node->getAttribute("class")) { case "constant": case "var": $slug = $this->formatSlug($node->textContent); $perm = $this->createPermaLink($node, $slug, $pld); $node->insertBefore($perm); break; } break; } } case "a": case "br": case "hr": case "em": return; // ! case "code": if ($node->parentNode && $node->parentNode->nodeName === "pre") { $code = $this->highlightCode($node); $this->walk($code, $pld); $node->parentNode->replaceChild($code, $node); } return; // ! } // suck it out, because we're modifying the DOM foreach (iterator_to_array($node->childNodes) as $child) { $this->walk($child, $pld); } } }