Retrieving Error Codes and Messages


#include <libmemcached/memcached.h>

Compile and link with -lmemcached

memcached_return_t memcached_last_error(const memcached_st*)
const char *memcached_last_error_message(const memcached_st*)
int memcached_last_error_errno(const memcached_st*)


Retrieve error codes and messages.


memcached_last_error() returns the last error code.

memcached_last_error_message() returns the last error message. If this error came from a specific server, its hostname and port will be provided in the error message. Any error message will be returned as 'const char *' which does not need to be de-allocated. NULL will be returned if no error has occurred.

memcached_last_error_errno() returns any last local error code obtained from errno(3).