# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys, os # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. #sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.')) # -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------- #needs_sphinx = '1.0' extensions = [@SPHINX_EXTENSIONS@] templates_path = ['_templates'] source_suffix = '.rst' master_doc = 'index' pygments_style = 'sphinx' project = u'libmemcached' version = '@PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR@.@PROJECT_VERSION_MINOR@' release = '@PROJECT_VERSION@' # -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------- html_theme = '@SPHINX_THEME@' html_theme_options = {@SPHINX_THEME_OPTIONS@} html_domain_indices = False html_show_sourcelink = False html_copy_source = False manpages_url = 'http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man{section}/{page}.{section}.html' # -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------- # Skip a separate AUTHOR section man_authors = [] # One entry per manual page. List of tuples # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section). man_pages = [ ('hashkit_create' , 'hashkit_clone' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_create' , 'hashkit_create' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_create' , 'hashkit_free' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_create' , 'hashkit_is_allocated' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_crc32' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_fnv1_32' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_fnv1_64' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_fnv1a_32' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_fnv1a_64' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_functions' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_hsieh' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_jenkins' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_md5' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_functions' , 'hashkit_murmur' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('hashkit_value' , 'hashkit_value' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libhashkit' , 'libhashkit' , u'libhashkit Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached' , 'libmemcached' , u'Introducing the C Client Library for memcached' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached_configuration' , 'libmemcached_check_configuration' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached_configuration' , 'libmemcached_configuration' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached_configuration' , 'memcached' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached_examples' , 'libmemcached_examples' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcachedutil' , 'libmemcachedutil' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_analyze' , 'memcached_analyze' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_append' , 'memcached_append' , u'Appending to or Prepending to data on the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_append' , 'memcached_append_by_key' , u'Appending to or Prepending to data on the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_append' , 'memcached_prepend' , u'Appending to or Prepending to data on the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_append' , 'memcached_prepend_by_key' , u'Appending to or Prepending to data on the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_auto' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_decrement' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_decrement_with_initial' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_increment' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_auto' , 'memcached_increment_with_initial' , u'Incrementing and Decrementing Values' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_behavior' , 'memcached_behavior' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_behavior' , 'memcached_behavior_get' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_behavior' , 'memcached_behavior_set' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_callback' , 'memcached_callback' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_callback' , 'memcached_callback_get' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_callback' , 'memcached_callback_set' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_cas' , 'memcached_cas' , u'Working with data on the server in an atomic fashion', man_authors, 3), ('memcached_cas' , 'memcached_cas_by_key' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_create' , 'memcached_clone' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_create' , 'memcached_create' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_create' , 'memcached_free' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_create' , 'memcached_servers_reset' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_delete' , 'memcached_delete' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_delete' , 'memcached_delete_by_key' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached-1.0/memcached_touch' , 'memcached_touch' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached-1.0/memcached_touch' , 'memcached_touch_by_key' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached/memcached_exist' , 'memcached_exist' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached/memcached_exist' , 'memcached_exist_by_key' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_dump' , 'memcached_dump' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_flush' , 'memcached_flush' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_flush_buffers' , 'memcached_flush_buffers' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_generate_hash_value' , 'memcached_generate_hash' , u'Generating hash values directly' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_generate_hash_value' , 'memcached_generate_hash_value' , u'Generating hash values directly' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached/memcached_fetch' , 'memcached_fetch' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_fetch_execute' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_fetch_result' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_get' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_get_by_key' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached/memcached_return_t' , 'memcached_return_t' , u'Return type values ' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_mget' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_mget_by_key' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_mget_execute' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_get' , 'memcached_mget_execute_by_key' , u'Retrieving data from the server' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached/memcached_last_error_message' , 'memcached_last_error_message' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_memory_allocators' , 'memcached_get_memory_allocators' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_memory_allocators' , 'memcached_memory_allocators' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_memory_allocators' , 'memcached_set_memory_allocators' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_memory_allocators' , 'memcached_set_memory_allocators_context', u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_behavior_get' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_behavior_set' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_create' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_destroy' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_fetch' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_pop' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_push' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_release' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_pool' , 'memcached_pool_st' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_quit' , 'memcached_quit' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('libmemcached-1.0/memcached_set_encoding_key', 'memcached_set_encoding_key' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_cas' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_create' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_flags' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_free' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_key_length' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_key_value' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_length' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_st' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_result_st' , 'memcached_result_value' , u'Working with result sets' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_destroy_sasl_auth_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_get_sasl_callbacks' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_sasl' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_sasl_set_auth_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_sasl' , 'memcached_set_sasl_callbacks' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_server_st' , 'memcached_server_list_append' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_server_st' , 'memcached_server_list_count' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_server_st' , 'memcached_server_list_free' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_server_st' , 'memcached_servers_parse' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_add' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_add_unix_socket' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_count' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_cursor' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_list' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_push' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_server_st' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_servers' , 'memcached_servers' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_add' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_add_by_key' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_replace' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_replace_by_key' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_set' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_set' , 'memcached_set_by_key' , u'Storing and Replacing Data' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat_execute' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat_get_keys' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat_get_value' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stat_servername' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_stats' , 'memcached_stats' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_strerror' , 'memcached_strerror' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_user_data' , 'memcached_get_user_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_user_data' , 'memcached_set_user_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_user_data' , 'memcached_user_data' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_verbosity' , 'memcached_verbosity' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_version' , 'memcached_lib_version' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('memcached_version' , 'memcached_version' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 3), ('bin/memcapable' , 'memcapable' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memcat' , 'memcat' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memcp' , 'memcp' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memdump' , 'memdump' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memerror' , 'memerror' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memflush' , 'memflush' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memrm' , 'memrm' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memaslap' , 'memaslap' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memslap' , 'memslap' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memstat' , 'memstat' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memexist' , 'memexist' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memparse' , 'memparse' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memping' , 'memping' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ('bin/memtouch' , 'memtouch' , u'libmemcached Documentation' , man_authors, 1), ] @SPHINX_CONF_APPEND@