=head1 NAME memcached_behavior_get memcached_behavior_set =head1 LIBRARY C Client Library for memcached (libmemcached, -lmemcached) =head1 SYNOPSIS #include unsigned long long memcached_behavior_get (memcached_st *ptr, memcached_behavior flag); memcached_return memcached_behavior_set (memcached_st *ptr, memcached_behavior flag, void *data); =head1 DESCRIPTION libmemcached(3) behavior can be modified by use memcached_behavior_set(). Default behavior is the library strives to be quick and accurate. Some behavior, while being faster, can also result in not entirely accurate behavior (for instance, memcached_set() will always respond with C). memcached_behavior_get() takes a behavior flag and returns whether or not that behavior is currently enabled in the client. memcached_behavior_set() changes the value of a particular option of the client. It takes both a flag (listed below) and a value. For simple on or off options you just need to pass in a value of 1. Calls to memcached_behavior_set() will flush and reset all connections. =over 4 =item MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_NO_BLOCK Causes libmemcached(3) to use asychronous IO. This is the fastest transport available. =item MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_TCP_NODELAY Turns on the no-delay feature for connecting sockets (may be faster in some environments). =item MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_HASH Makes the default hashing algorithm for keys use MD5. The value can be set to either MEMCACHED_HASH_DEFAULT, MEMCACHED_HASH_MD5, MEMCACHED_HASH_CRC, MEMCACHED_HASH_FNV1_64, MEMCACHED_HASH_FNV1A_64, MEMCACHED_HASH_FNV1_32, MEMCACHED_HASH_FNV1A_32, MEMCACHED_HASH_KETAMA. The behavior for all hashes but MEMCACHED_HASH_DEFAULT is identitical to the Java driver written by Dustin Sallings. =item MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_CACHE_LOOKUPS Memcached can cache named lookups so that DNS lookups are made only once. =item MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_SUPPORT_CAS Support CAS operations (this is not enabled by default at this point in the server since it imposes a slight performance penalty). =back =head1 RETURN memcached_behavior_get() returns either the current value of the get, or 0 or 1 on simple flag behaviors (1 being enabled). memcached_behavior_set() returns whether or not the behavior was enabled. =head1 HOME To find out more information please check: L =head1 AUTHOR Brian Aker, Ebrian@tangent.orgE =head1 SEE ALSO memcached(1) libmemcached(3) memcached_strerror(3) =cut