logger = $logger; $this->config = $config; $this->client = new Client("curl", "github"); $this->client->configure($config->http->configure->toArray()); $this->client->attach(new ClientObserver($logger)); $this->tokens = $tokens ?: new Storage\Session; $this->cache = $cache; } /** * Set maximum acceptable age of cache items * @param int $seconds */ function setMaxAge($seconds) { $this->maxAge = $seconds; return $this; } function getMaxAge() { return $this->maxAge; } function getLogger() { return $this->logger; } function getConfig() { return $this->config; } function getClient() { return $this->client; } function getTokenStorage() { return $this->tokens; } function getCacheStorage() { return $this->cache; } function getCacheKey($ident, $page = null) { return sprintf("%s:%s:%s", $this->getToken(), $ident, $page ?: 1); } function hasToken() { return $this->tokens->get("access_token"); } function setToken($token) { $this->tokens->set("access_token", new Storage\Item( $token, $this->config->storage->token->ttl )); } function getToken() { if ($this->tokens->get("access_token", $token, true)) { return $token->getValue(); } if (isset($token)) { $this->logger->notice("Token expired", $token); throw new Exception\TokenExpired($token->getLTL()); } throw new Exception\TokenNotSet; } function dropToken() { $this->tokens->del("access_token"); } function getAuthUrl($callback_url) { $state = base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(24)); $this->tokens->set("state", new Storage\Item($state, 5*60)); $param = [ "state" => $state, "client_id" => $this->config->client->id, "scope" => $this->config->client->scope, "redirect_uri" => $callback_url, ]; return new Url("https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize", [ "query" => new QueryString($param) ], 0); } function fetchToken($code, $state) { if (!$this->tokens->get("state", $orig_state, true)) { if (isset($orig_state)) { $this->logger->notice("State expired", $orig_state); throw new Exception\StateExpired($orig_state->getLTL()); } throw new Exception\StateNotSet; } if ($state !== $orig_state->getValue()) { $this->logger->warning("State mismatch", compact("state", "orig_state")); throw new Exception\StateMismatch($orig_state->getValue(), $state); } return $this->queue(new API\Users\ReadAuthToken($this, [ "code" => $code, "client_id" => $this->config->client->id, "client_secret" => $this->config->client->secret, ])); } function queue(API\Call $call) { return $this->queue[] = $call(); } function drain() { $queue = $this->queue; $this->queue = array(); $this->client->send(); return $queue; } function readAuthUser() { return $this->queue(new API\Users\ReadAuthUser($this)); } function listRepos($page) { return $this->queue(new API\Repos\ListRepos($this, compact("page"))); } function readRepo($repo) { return $this->queue(new API\Repos\ReadRepo($this, compact("repo"))); } /** * Check if the pharext webhook is set and return it * @param array $hooks * @return stdClass hook */ function checkHook($hooks) { if (!empty($hooks)) { foreach ($hooks as $hook) { if ($hook->name === "web" && $hook->config->url === $this->config->hook->url) { return $hook; } } } return null; } /** * Check if the pharext webhook is set for the repo and return it * @param object $repo * @return stdClass hook */ function checkRepoHook($repo) { if (!empty($repo->hooks)) { return $this->checkHook($repo->hooks); } return null; } function listHooks($repo) { return $this->queue(new API\Hooks\ListHooks($this, compact("repo"))); } function listReleases($repo, $page) { return $this->queue(new API\Releases\ListReleases($this, compact("repo", "page"))); } function listTags($repo, $page) { return $this->queue(new API\Tags\ListTags($this, compact("repo", "page"))); } function readContents($repo, $path = null) { return $this->queue(new API\Repos\ReadContents($this, compact("repo", "path"))); } function createRepoHook($repo, $conf) { return $this->queue(new API\Hooks\CreateHook($this, compact("repo", "conf"))); } function updateRepoHook($repo, $id, $conf) { return $this->queue(new API\Hooks\UpdateHook($this, compact("repo", "id", "conf"))); } function deleteRepoHook($repo, $id) { return $this->queue(new API\Hooks\DeleteHook($this, compact("repo", "id"))); } function createRelease($repo, $tag) { return $this->queue(new API\Releases\CreateRelease($this, compact("repo", "tag"))); } function publishRelease($repo, $id, $tag) { return $this->queue(new API\Releases\PublishRelease($this, compact("repo", "id", "tag"))); } function createReleaseAsset($url, $asset, $type) { return $this->queue(new API\Releases\CreateReleaseAsset($this, compact("url", "asset", "type"))); } function listReleaseAssets($repo, $id) { return $this->queue(new API\Releases\ListReleaseAssets($this, compact("repo", "id"))); } function uploadAssetForRelease($repo, $release, $config = null) { return $this->listHooks($repo->full_name)->then(function($result) use($release, $repo, $config) { list($repo->hooks) = $result; $phar = new Pharext\Package( $repo->clone_url, $release->tag_name, $repo->name, $config ?: (array) $this->checkRepoHook($repo)->config ); $name = sprintf("%s-%s.ext.phar", $repo->name, $release->tag_name); $url = uri_template($release->upload_url, compact("name")); $promise = $this->createReleaseAsset($url, $phar, "application/phar"); if ($release->draft) { return $promise->then(function($result) use($release, $repo) { return $this->publishRelease($repo->full_name, $release->id, $release->tag_name); }); } return $promise; }); } function createReleaseFromTag($repo, $tag_name, $config = null) { return $this->createRelease($repo->full_name, $tag_name)->then(function($result) use($repo, $config) { list($release) = $result; return $this->uploadAssetForRelease($repo, $release, $config); }); } }