Hi! If you are getting this code from http://hg.tangent.org/libmemcached then continue reading. Otherwise these directions are not for you (well maybe...). To obtain code from http://hg.tangent.org/libmemcached you will need to issue the following command: hg clone http://hg.tangent.org/libmemcached Once the tree is cloned you will need to build the "configure" script. You can do this by running the script: ./config/bootstrap It will set up all of the files you need to build libmemcached. At that point it is just the typical "./configure; make; make test; make instal" For a tarball release do a "make dist" and for an RPM type "make rpm". For patches either send diffs or make use of hg's ability to do bundles. You can read more about this on the hg websites: http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/ Thanks and keep hacking! Cheers, -Brian Seattle, WA.