[m6w6/libmemcached] / ChangeLog
1 0.11
2 * Added option to memcache_behavior_set() so that poll() can be timed out.
4 0.10 Tue Nov 20 23:22:31 PST 2007
5 * Added append binary test.
6 * Added MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_CACHE_LOOKUPS behavior so that you can save on
7 multiple DNS lookups.
8 * Added CAS support, though this is optional and must be enabled during
9 runtime.
10 * Added the utility memerror to create human readable error strings
11 from memcached errors (aka convert ints to strings)
13 * Fixed bug where hostname might not be null terminated
14 * Moved to using gethostbyname_r() on Linux to solve thread safety issue
15 * Added -rpath support for pkg-config
16 * Documentation fix for hash setting using memcached_behavior_set()
18 0.9 Thu Nov 15 07:44:00 PST 2007
19 * fix for when no servers are definied.
20 * different buffers are now kept for different connections to
21 speed up async efforts
22 * Modified increment/decrement functions to return uint64_t values
23 * Fixed bug in cases where zero length keys were provided
24 * Thread cleanup issue in memslap
25 * No hostname lookup on reconnect
26 * Fix for flag settings (was doing hex by accident!)
27 * Support for 1.2.4 server additions "prepend" and "append" added.
28 * Added memcached_version()... not sure if I will make this public
29 or not.
31 0.8 Mon Nov 5 10:40:41 PST 2007
32 * Adding support for CRC hash method
33 * Adding support for UNIX sockets
34 * Added additional HASHing methods of FNV1_64,FNV1A_64, FNV1_32, FNV1A_32
35 * Added pkgconfig support (PKG_CHECK_MODULES)
36 * Fixed conflict with defined type in MySQL
37 * Added memcached_result_st structure and functions to manipulate it.
39 0.7 Tue Oct 30 09:24:05 PDT 2007
40 * Poved to poll() from select()
41 * Fixes in internal string class for allocation of large numbers of
42 strings.
43 * memcached_mget() function now sends keys as it parses them instead of
44 building strings as it goes.
45 * Propper flush now for making sure we get all IO sent even when in
46 non-block mode.
47 * Added --enable-debug rule for configure
48 * All asserts() removed (hey this is going into production!)
51 0.6 Wed Oct 17 08:41:35 PDT 2007
52 * get value returns are now null terminated (request by Cal Heldenbrand)
53 * Fixed connections for more hosts then two.
54 * Rewrite of the read/write IO systems to handle different sorts of host
55 failures.
56 * Added man pages for all functions and tools
57 * Raised buffer size for readinng/writing to 16K
58 * You can now optionally set the socket size for recv/send via
59 memached_behavior_set/get.
61 0.5 Tue Oct 9 00:22:25 PDT 2007
62 * Ruby maintainer mentioned TCP_NODELAY patch he had added. Added this to C
63 library as well. (Eric Hodel drbrain@segment7.net)
64 * Added support script for set_benchmark
65 * Updated memslap to allow testing of TCP_NODELAY
66 * Updated memslap to support --flush (aka dump memcache servers before
67 testing)
68 * Fixed bug in multiple hosts not being activated
69 * Added environmental variable MEMCACHED_SERVERS which can be used to
70 set the servers list.
71 * fixed memcached_stat method (and now memstat works)
72 * server connect now happens on demand.
73 * Help for all command line applications
75 0.4 Wed Oct 3 10:28:50 PDT 2007
76 * Added buffered IO to write calls for keys
77 * Added buffered IO for reads
78 * memstat was broken (bad if/else on connect)
79 * New non-blocking IO (not default yet). Mucho faster
80 * Refactor of test system.
81 * memslap crash solved
83 0.3 Mon Oct 1 06:37:52 PDT 2007
84 * Jeff Fisher <guppy@techmonkeys.org> provided a spec file
85 * Added "make rpm" around dist file
86 * Added support for Solaris
87 * Added support for DTrace
88 * Fixed read to be recv and write to be send
89 * Bug fix where memstat would core if no server was found
90 * Added memslap tool (load generator)
91 * Numerous bug fixes in library
92 * Added calls to library for creating host lists (see
93 text cases to understand how to use this).
95 0.2 Thu Sep 27 03:46:57 PDT 2007
96 * First public version