[m6w6/m6w6.github.io] / 2004-09-13-chora-already-fixed.md
1 ---
2 title: Chora already fixed
3 author: m6w6
4 tags:
5 - PHP
6 ---
8 [Jan](http://janschneider.de/cweb/home/index,channel,25,story,175.html)
9 reported that Chora is already fixed for three months.
12 First of all, let me apologize, I didn't want to hurt
13 [Horde](http://horde.org) or anyone else, and if you found my posting
14 confusing, then well, I was confused and not too little...
16 That weekend my server has been cracked again, and ctorrent has been installed
17 to burn my traffic (from the same network 210.5.125.*).
19 I doubt that the
20 [announcement](http://lists.horde.org/archives/announce/2004/000100.html) Jan
21 posted helped much, because how comes that apparently every script-kiddy knew
22 about the vulnaribility but not chora users (at least I didn't know, and I saw
23 a lot of chora 1.2 installations out there).
25 If I would have found a note on [Chora's homepage](http://www.horde.org/chora/),
26 I think, I wouldn't have posted such a panic reaction.
28 So, sorry once again and I hope that this was - at least - a lesson to
29 everyone of us...